![Photo: It's official! Our first grandchild!! Sweet Stella!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/555448_10151758135189753_169307521_n.jpg)
My favourite and award-winning ace gospel singer, Don Moen is so elated at the moment. His oldest child Melissa and son-in-law who also doubles as his manager Jesse Sproul, just had their first child, thus making Don Moen a grandfather!
The music-evangelist announced on his facebook page that he is now a grand-father. "It's official! Our first grandchild!! Sweet Stella!" She's co cute, congrats to him!
Don Moen further shared a testimony below:
Don Moen said his wife and he searched for a child for 12 years before they were finally blessed with a baby girl. ‘We waited for 12 years before we had our first child. Doctors said we couldn’t have children but God gave us 5 at the end, a daughter, then a son, a daughter then a son and then a daughter. Men had given up on us but at the end, God gave us five children in 7 years,’ he announced!
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